I'm Jordan. I'm married. I enjoy a good Sexy Sunday. BUT it wasn't always like that. In fact I used to be shy about the business of being naked. I am a curvy girl who is slightly insecure about her body. We preach about loving your body and feeling comfortable with your sexuality and your inner Aphrodite. But, SPOILER ALERT, I'm not.
So I'm going to be honest. Sexy Sundays are now a tradition in our life. We are one of those couples that lets life happens and time gets away from us. We realized that at one point in time we hadn't been intimate with each other for 3 weeks. Now I know things could be worse.
So I dug and I dug. What could I do to make sure another 3 weeks wouldn't go by without a little fun with the mister. I know that its fun to be spontaneous but something we have come to discover is that you should schedule your weekly intimacy. We picked Sundays because we both work really weird schedules during the week and on Saturdays. So Sundays became Sexy Sundays.
Then recently we decided we should have another day during the week that it sporadically happens. That way when one of us is in the mood we can initiate and if both of us are tired and not interested then we know we have Sexy Sundays. Also the build up to Sunday is a lot of fun during the week. A text here or a gentle graze there... It all adds to the build up.
NOW let me be clear about something. Its advice I wish I would have been given early on and its advice to EVERY couple I know who gets married. Talk. Talk about what you like and what you don't like. Talk about boundaries and what you want to try. NEVER be afraid to try something new. But if you do make sure both parties are willing to give it a try. If you're not comfortable with it say so. Compromise about what you are willing and not willing to do.
Next... Don't be afraid to bring in books. Books are always helpful and there are some great ones out there.
Also Toys. That's right. Toys. There's a wide range and variety of toys you can bring into the bedroom. I have enjoyed a few different types and will be the first to tell you that they are worth a shot.
We are two curvy girls who want to help others find their inner Aphrodite. We have created a business taking boudoir photos for all types of women. These photos are perfect for any woman! We want you to feel comfortable with yourself and your body. Our goal is to make you feel so sexy and confident with your body and realize how beautiful you really are. You will discover how easy it is to relax and enjoy your experience with us. We can’t wait for you to become part of the experience!
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