Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Help us out

So something I learned from our first shoot is that I need direction too. I don't know your favorite part or what you hate about your body. So what we would like you to do is Google boudoir photos and find poses you really like. Just give yourself some ideas. You can also go to our post about knowing your body for additional ideas. Also this may seem weird but practice facial expressions. If you know you don't do sexy well stand in front of the mirror and practice. Incredibly weird and awkward but so necessary. I don't want you to hate your pictures because you can't get the facial expression down. If you want us to do your hair and makeup look up different styles and show us what you want. We can do whatever you want but we can't read your mind. Show us what you want and we will make it happen.
Kylee did a really great job at everything and I loved her shoot. I'm so glad she was brave and showed off her sexy curves!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Some things I have learned

So we just did our first photo shoot and I learned a few things.  Most importantly when you come to do a photo shoot be prepared.  Have outfits you really like picked out and poses in mind you want to try.  If you can find pictures of poses bring them.  We can help you get into them better and it helps us find your vision.  We want to make you look your best.  Also be prepared to take direction.  Our first model was great at it!  Also if you feel like something isn't working say so.  Its your pictures and you need to be comfortable with what are having done.  And most importantly don't knock yourself down.  You are beautiful and we are going to repeat that to you and remind you of how amazing you look.  If we are on your team you need to be on your team.  Remember the person you're doing your pictures for knows you and loves your body just the way it is.  XOXO~Jordan

Friday, October 25, 2013

i'm an activist?

I think it is freaking funny that I am such a "love your body" activist because let's be honest I did NOT love my body for a long time. In fact some days I still hate my body. I look in the mirror and I see that fat roll or that cellulite and it literally makes me nauseous. Ali sees the look I give myself and  he has to tell me I'm beautiful just how I am. (He also tells me he likes "thick" girls so sometimes it doesn't help)
But honestly I know I am damn fine. I look at old pictures of myself and think wow I sure have changed and what changed was not only my appearance but what is on the inside. I am more positive now about my life. I know I can do things I couldn't do a year ago. Heck I ran three 5ks in the past year. I went hiking. I went shooting. I went to CUBA and walked EVERYWHERE! I just think it's crazy that I can do this.
And guess what I'm not a size two. I'm a 14 or 12 on a good day. I bounce between 209 and 215. I have lumps and bumps. I have sooo many stretch marks. But you know what I am so sexy I know I am. I just have to remind myself.

PS visit my new favorite website

tis the season

Christmas is JUST two months away! The crazy holiday season is just around the corner. What are you thinking of getting that special someone? A video game? Fishing equpitment? A gym pass? New TV? Here's an idea...

Christmas Boudoir!

(Photo courtesy of google)
We have plenty of Christmas decorations to spice up your pictures. We have Christmas lights, ornaments and even the tree. Who doesn't want to wear their sexy Santa outfit? AND what boy wouldn't LOVE a photo album of their girl being sexy just for them? 

Just two months friends! Book your spot now!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

my strange celebrity

So I don't think I'm crazy obsessed with celebs then I look at my instagram (follow me adrienne_bone) and realize oh gosh I am crazy. At least half the people I follow are celebs. maybe I'm just stuck in fairy tale land wishing fame on myself. Or maybe I just like to keep up with their lives. But apparently I am star crazy
My favorite celeb right now is Khloe Kardashian. Oh goodness she is so beautiful. Sometimes I am so mad she lost so much weight because she was never really "fat." But at the same time she looks dang hot these days.
I was going through my feed and they have so many pictures from their new Kardashian Kollection line. Every picture is so sexy. I don't get how they are so freaking sexy but they are. They are fully clothed and not in any expectionally sexy poses but they look fab!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

let's get comfortable

So most girls don't want to just strip down for strangers and have them take your picture so I figured I'd tell you a little more detail about myself. I am 23 and often forget my age. I tend to be immature and laugh at all the wrong things. I turn 95% of the things I hear into a sex joke. It's kind of a problem. I have an incredibly loud laugh (i got in trouble at work for laughing too loud.)  I can make some of the ugliest faces you've ever seen and when I get nervous I blush all the way to my ears.
As for some good qualities, I hate getting bad grades aka lower than an A. I love to make people laugh. I hate to see people sad and will try to make them feel better. I'm studying psychology and I LOVE the topic. I love talking about it and teaching people what I'm learning and trying to help them.
I tend to be the goofball

I don't like just smiling for pictures
My big family

This is my sweet happy family

Now don't let the stupid things I do discourage you from coming to our 'studio.' I can be professional. I will NOT half ass my work. I know what looks good and what doesn't. I have always loved photography and finding the right angles and lights and editing. I want to make you feel so comfortable and so sexy. Satisfying you is my goal. If you don't like what I'm doing just tell me and I'll change my style for you.

Come try us out. What do you have to lose?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Getting to know yourself

I have a way of knowing how to position people in pictures to bring out their best sides.  Its a gift really.  Finding the right angles and the proper positions helps you lovely's look stunning in your pictures.  If you don't feel like you know yourself enough to position yourself spend some time in front of a mirror.  Do subtle movements either tilting your head one way or another.  Arch your back or stick out your butt a little.  Find what works best and shows off your assets.  I know that I prefer a shot from the right side of my face rather than straight on.  Look at pictures online of poses you're interested in doing.  You never know how they will work for you until you try.

Here are some fun examples of Boudoir Posing

This is a classic pose and its great for the tease.

She is using her angles to her advantage here

This is fun because it gives you a different perspective on things

And who doesn't love a good silhouette picture?

Also dont be afraid to try different facial expressions.  I kept trying to get Adrienne to give me sexy and sultry but really it didnt look that way... ALSO find out what your partner finds sexy about you.  Is it a smirk?  A sexy little grin?  Do they find the way you laugh intoxication beautiful?  Knowing that will help make the pictures more bodacious and special for the receiver of the pictures!  

Heres some sexy facial expressions