Monday, October 28, 2013

Some things I have learned

So we just did our first photo shoot and I learned a few things.  Most importantly when you come to do a photo shoot be prepared.  Have outfits you really like picked out and poses in mind you want to try.  If you can find pictures of poses bring them.  We can help you get into them better and it helps us find your vision.  We want to make you look your best.  Also be prepared to take direction.  Our first model was great at it!  Also if you feel like something isn't working say so.  Its your pictures and you need to be comfortable with what are having done.  And most importantly don't knock yourself down.  You are beautiful and we are going to repeat that to you and remind you of how amazing you look.  If we are on your team you need to be on your team.  Remember the person you're doing your pictures for knows you and loves your body just the way it is.  XOXO~Jordan

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