Saturday, October 19, 2013

Getting to know yourself

I have a way of knowing how to position people in pictures to bring out their best sides.  Its a gift really.  Finding the right angles and the proper positions helps you lovely's look stunning in your pictures.  If you don't feel like you know yourself enough to position yourself spend some time in front of a mirror.  Do subtle movements either tilting your head one way or another.  Arch your back or stick out your butt a little.  Find what works best and shows off your assets.  I know that I prefer a shot from the right side of my face rather than straight on.  Look at pictures online of poses you're interested in doing.  You never know how they will work for you until you try.

Here are some fun examples of Boudoir Posing

This is a classic pose and its great for the tease.

She is using her angles to her advantage here

This is fun because it gives you a different perspective on things

And who doesn't love a good silhouette picture?

Also dont be afraid to try different facial expressions.  I kept trying to get Adrienne to give me sexy and sultry but really it didnt look that way... ALSO find out what your partner finds sexy about you.  Is it a smirk?  A sexy little grin?  Do they find the way you laugh intoxication beautiful?  Knowing that will help make the pictures more bodacious and special for the receiver of the pictures!  

Heres some sexy facial expressions

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